1 |
A Study on the Clothing Behavior of High School Students in terms of Creativity, Individuality and Conformity
Sung-Yung Lee, Jeong, Jun-Gyo
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):1-16.
17 |
A Study on the Fit Preference Tendency for Ready-to-wear by the Age and Obesity Level of Adult Women
Hye-Jung Seok, Kim, In-Suk
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):17-29.
31 |
A Study on the Effect of the Hand and Sensibility Image on the Preference to Textiles for Slacks
Hee-Sook Kim, Na, Mi-Hee, Cho, Shin-Hyun
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):31-41.
43 |
A Study on the spiritual Shaman(Gangsin-mu)'s Po -in Seoul-gut Shaman's Costume-
Eun-Jung Kim
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):43-54.
55 |
A Study on the Clothing Benefits and the Source of Information of Korean Female University Students According to Shopping Orientation
Mi-Woo Nam, Kim, Kwang-Kyung
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):55-67.
69 |
A Study on the Price Sensitivity and Postpurchase Satisfaction in Internet Shopping Mall
Si-Wuel Kim, Park, Bae-Jin
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):69-83.
85 |
A Comparison on the Quality Characteristics of Korean and Japanese Commercial Baechu Kimchi
Jae-Sook Han, Cho, Yeon-Sook, Lee, Sin-Jung
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):85-92.
93 |
The Relationships between Shopping Styles, Promotion Usage, and Consequential Switching Behaviors
Kyung-Ae Park, Lee, Young-Mi
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):93-103.
105 |
Development of Portfolio Computer Program for Efficient Household Financial Program: Comparison between Korea & U.S.A.
Seung-Sin Lee, Bae, Mi-Kyeong, Fan, Jessie
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):105-120.
121 |
Effects of Self-Esteem, Healthiness of Family, and Sociodemographic Variables on the School Life Adjustment in Rural Adolescents
Soon-Mi Yang, Yoo, Young-Ju
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):121-134.
135 |
The Effects of Clothing Styles and Colors on a Body Image Perception
Eun-Sil Lee, Kim, Hyo-Sook, Choi, Chang-Seok
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):135-148.
149 |
The Internalization of the Gender Identity for Korean Female College Students
Hye-Jung Cheon
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):149-161.
163 |
건강가정육성기본법(안)의 입법 방향과 내용
Min-Ja Jeong
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):163-177.
179 |
가정과 사회적 자본, 그리고 경제
Jeong-Jeon Lee
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):179-190.
191 |
건강가정육성을 위한 행정지원체계 구축방안
Jun-Seop Sim
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2003;41(9):191-208.