여자 대학생의 쇼핑성향에 따른 의복추구혜택, 정보원활용 유형에 관한 연구 |
남미우,김광경 |
서경대학교 디자인학부 패션전공 우송정보대학 패션디자인과 |
A Study on the Clothing Benefits and the Source of Information of Korean Female University Students According to Shopping Orientation |
Mi-Woo Nam, Kim, Kwang-Kyung |
Department of fashion design, Seokyeong Univ., Department of Fashion Design, Woosong Information College |
The purpose of this study was to find out the source of information and clothing benefits of female university students according to their shopping orientations. 340 female students living in Seoul were surveyed and the following results were found: Female students were divided into recreational shoppers and convenience shoppers according to their shopping orientations. Recreational shoppers exhibited interest in self-improvement, individuality, economy, and convenience shoppers in practicality of clothing benefits. Recreational shoppers focused higher value on gathering information than convenience shoppers and prefer information they gain in store display and mass communication media. Recreational shoppers have higher value on self-actualizing than social affiliation value. The findings indicate that shopping orientation can be used effectively to segment the female university students market and the finding of this study contribute to the development of strategies for clothing producer or retailer to provide a strong means to satisfy their shoppers' needs. |
여가 지향적 쇼핑성향, recreational shopper, 편의 지향적 쇼핑성향, convenience shopper, 정보원, source of information, 소비자가치, consumer value, 의복추구혜택, clothing benefits |