의복스타일과 색이 신체이미지 지각에 미치는 영향 |
김효숙,최창석,이은실 |
건국대학교 의상학과,명지대학교 정보통신공학부,진주국제대학교 미용패션학부 |
The Effects of Clothing Styles and Colors on a Body Image Perception |
Eun-Sil Lee, Kim, Hyo-Sook, Choi, Chang-Seok |
Division of Beauty & Fashion, Jinju Int'l Univ., Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Konkuk Univ. Division of Electronics, Information & Communcation Engineering, Myongji Univ. |
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of clothing colors, clothing styles on women's body image perception. The experimental design was 2 2 9(perceiver's gender clothing styles clothing colors) factorial design with between-subjects design. Subjects were 320 college students in the metropolitan area of Seoul. Perceiver's gender, clothing styles, and clothing colors gave a significant influence on the 3 variables of shoulder, the upper half of the body, and bust. Shoulder and the upper half of the body had an interaction effect by clothing styles and clothing color. Perceiver's gender gave a significant influence on hip size, length of leg, height, clothing styles did a significant influence on hip size, length of leg, height, and slender figure. Clothing colors gave a significant influence on length of leg, height, and slender figure. Length of leg and slender figure had an interaction effect by perceiver's gender and clothing styles. Hip size had an interaction effect by perceiver's gender and clothing color. Hip size had an interaction effect by clothing styles and clothing color. The results of this study support that coloration of clothing and clothing style affects perception of stimulus persons wearing apparel. |
의복색, clothing color, 의복스타일, clothing style, 의복배색, clothing coloration, 신체이미지 지각, body image perception |