Establishment: May 11, 2007
Full Revision: May 16, 2008
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
The objectives of these regulations are to establish the research ethics of the Korean Home Economics Association for its members and to prescribe basic matters related to the constitution and operation of the Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter, as 'the Committee') that is composed in order to perform fair and systematic verification upon incurrence of any research misconduct.
Article 2 (Application)
These regulations shall be applied to all members of the Korean Home Economics Association.
Article 3 (Scope)
All members shall comply with these regulations in connection with the establishment of research ethics and verification of research integrity unless specified otherwise.
Article 4 (Definitions)
① "Research Misconduct" refers to intentional or serious faults regardless the purpose of research, including actions like fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism and false indication of authors that will harm the research integrity in proposing, performing, or presenting research. Each of them is defined as follows.
- "Fabrication" is making up research data or results and recording or reporting them.
- "Falsification" is counterfeiting research materials, tools, and/or research processes or the conduct of altering or omitting research data and outcome so the research record becomes inconsistent with the truth.
- "Plagiarism" is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit to the source or the action of self-plagiarism from own research results that already had been presented before without indicating appropriate marking of the source.
- "False Indication of Authors" is the conduct of excluding from the author list those who have contributed to research and outcome without valid reasons or the conduct of including to the author list those who have no contribution under the banner of respect and gratitude.
- Other conducts that seriously harm the research integrity.
② "Preliminary Investigation" means a procedure to make a determination on the needs of a formal investigation for a bona fide allegation of research misconduct.
③ "Adjudication" means a procedure to confirm the investigation results and to notify such results to the whistle blower and the investigated person in a written document.
Chapter 2 Organization and Operation of the Research Ethics Committee
Article 5 (Functions)
The Committee reviews and makes a resolution on each of the following items that are related to the Research Ethics of all members of the Korean Home Economics Association (hereinafter, as "the Association").
- ters concerning the establishment of research ethics
- ters concerning the prevention and investigation of research misconduct
- ters concerning the protection of the whistle blower and keeping confidentiality
- ters concerning the protection of the whistle blower and actions to take for regaining the impaired reputation of the person subjected to investigation
- ters concerning verification of research integrity, handling of verification results and the follow up measures
- er matters presented for discussion by the chairperson of the Committee
Article 6 (Organization)
① The Research Ethics Committee (REC) having the editor-in-chief for Korean as the chairperson, shall comprise with nine members as maximum who are specialized in applicable fields, among directors for general affairs, directors for academic affairs, editor-in-chief for English, and other editing committee members, including one member whom shall be appointed by the president among vice presidents.
② The chairperson shall be elected by the Committee from among its members and the chairperson and the Committee members shall serve the same terms to applicable positions.
③ A secretary can be appointed by the chair among the members to handle overall affairs of the Committee.
④ The chair can commission an expert adviser by collecting opinions of the Committee.
Article 7 (Meeting)
① The Committee meetings shall be called by the chairperson whenever deemed necessary. The chairperson of the Committee shall become the chairperson of the meetings.
② The Committee can make its final decision by concurrence of more than 2/3 of the members present as a quorum is present for the meeting. However, it should be noted that a written authority from one member authorizing another to act on behalf shall be accepted as present in the assembly of the Committee, but will not be granted with voting right.
③ Whenever deemed necessary, the Committee can ask the related party and hear the opinions.
④ The meeting shall not be open to the public in principle.
⑤ Any member who is involved in the research subjected to the investigation cannot attend the concerned meeting due to conflict of interest.
Article 8 (Authorities and Responsibilities of the Committee)
① The Committee can summon for attendance and data submission to whistle blowers, person(s) under investigation, witnesses and testifiers, in the process of investigation.
② When the person(s) under investigation refuses to attend the meeting or data submission without justifiable reason, it could be presumed as an indication that he/she has acknowledged the allegations.
③ The Committee can take substantial measures to prevent any loss, damage, concealment or falsification of research records or evidence.
④ The Committee members should comply with the confidentiality concerning the deliberation- related matters.
Chapter 3 Verification of Research Integrity
Article 9 (Whistle Blowing and Receipt of Misconduct)
The whistle blower(s) can report on research misconduct by all means possible to the secretariat or editorial office of the Korean Home Economics Association and in principle, such report shall be made in real name. However, if wanting to make such report anonymously, the whistle blower(s) should submit the title of the paper (or title of research project) and contents and evidences of misconduct in specifics, in written form or via electronic mail.
Article 10 (Investigation of Misconduct Allegations)
① The Committee should perform its investigation on presence/ absence of any misconduct when there are detailed reports or substantial doubts.
② The chair can implement a preliminary investigation by consulting with the president of the Association, which will be conducted by the editorial board.
Article 11 (Summons for Attendance and Data Submission)
① The Committee can summon for attendance to whistle blowers, person(s) under investigation, witnesses and testifiers to make statements and in this case the person(s) under investigation must respond to it.
② The Committee can summon for data submission to person(s) under investigation and can impound and store the research data of relevant person(s) to the misconduct with approval from the head of concerning research institutions in order to preserve the evidentiary data.
Article 12 (Protection of the Rights of Whistle Blowers and the Person(s) under Investigation and Keeping Confidentiality)
① Under any circumstances, the identity of the whistle blower should not be exposed directly and indirectly, and until the final decision on misconduct has been made as to whether the respondent actually engaged in research misconduct or not, the Committee shall take all means possible to ensure that it does not infringe on the honor or rights of the person(s) under investigation.
② All matters related to the investigation shall be kept as strictly confidential and those who participate in the investigation directly and indirectly shall not unjustifiably leak any information obtained in the processes of investigation or while performing their duties. However, when there is any justifiable cause for disclosure, such disclosure can be made by resolution of the Committee.
Article 13 (Avoidance, Exclusion, Evasion)
① Any whistle blower or the person(s) under investigation can request for removal of a committee member by identifying the reason where it is difficult to expect fairness from the committee member. When such request for evasion is cited, the members subjected to the request will be excluded from the concerned investigation.
② Those who have direct interests in the concerned investigation cannot be involved in deliberation, resolution and investigation of the given agenda.
③ The chair can suspend the qualification of a member in connection to the concerned investigation whenever an appropriate reason such as an obvious conflict of interest exists.
Article 14 (Guarantee for Opportunity to Make Objections and Statements)
The Committee should guarantee the whistle blower or the person(s) under investigation will be given the opportunity to state opinions, to raise objections and to make counterarguments and should inform them on the relevant procedures in advance.
Article 15 (Deliberation Results)
① The Committee shall confirm the details of the investigation and its procedures based on the contents of objections or counterarguments.
② The Committee shall make a decision confirming that the acts of the person(s) under investigation in connection to the investigated matters are research misconduct by concurrence of more than 2/3 of the members present as a quorum is present for the meeting.
Chapter 4 Measures to Be Taken after Verification
Article 16 (Measures to Be Taken in Accordance with the Investigation Results)
① When a decision is made confirming the research misconduct, the Committee can sanction the author with applicable punishment to each of following, or impose corresponding retribution.
- raction or deletion of the paper in which the research misconduct has been identified
- lic announcement of the retraction of the paper from publishing in which the research misconduct has been identified on the website of the Association and in its journal
- ipping or suspension of membership owned by the relevant individual
- ification on the incident to relevant organizations
- er measures to take as appropriate
② The public notice described in item ①, number 2 should include the name of author, title of the paper, volume (issue) of journal where the paper was published or is to be published, date of retraction and the reason of retraction
③ Stripping or suspension period of membership described in item ①, number 3 shall be decided by the Committee according to the heftiness of the misconduct.
④ The Committee can also disqualify or suspend anyone who makes a report intentionally or mistakenly that proves different from the truth, or who distributes false information in respect to the research ethics of the Association.
Article 17 (Notification of Results)
The Committee chair shall inform the relevant parties including the whistle blower and the person(s) under investigation in writing of the deliberation results of its investigation made by the Committee without any delay.
Article 18 (Reinvestigation)
When the whistle blower or the person(s) under investigation does not accept and protest against the decision of the Committee, he/she can request for re-investigation to the Committee in written form within 14 days from the date when he/she received the notification as prescribed in Article 17.
Article 19 (Follow-ups such as Vindication of Author's Honor)
If the results of the investigation confirmed that no research misconduct has been identified, the Committee should try to vindicate the honor of person(s) under investigation or the suspect and can take follow-up measures as appropriate.
Article 20 (Storage and Disclosure of Records)
① The investigation-related records shall be stored for five years based on the time of its completion.
② After the decision is finalized, the results should be reported to the executive board of directors of the Association, and those identity-related information such as list of the whistle blowers, the investigators, witnesses, testifiers and participated advisors can be excluded from disclosure by the resolution of the Committee when it is likely to disadvantage them.
Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Date of Effectiveness)
These regulations shall be effective as of May 16, 2008.