Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(8):109-117.
참취에 대한 기호도 및 이용실태 조사에 관한 연구
김명선, 오윤재
강원관광대학 관광호텔조리과, 안양과학대학 식품영양과
A Study on Preferance and Using of Aster scaber
Myung-Sun Kim, Oh, Yun-Jae
Department of Tourism Hotel Cuisine, Kangwon Tourism College, Department of Food & Nutrition, Anyang Technical College
This study was conducted to investigate the uses of Aster scaber. The survey methodology employed was a questionnaire, which was used to interview 272 (37.8%) males and 448(62.2%) females from the Seoul and Kyunggido areas. The main results are as follows: 40-50 years old like and eat Aster scaber more frequently than 10-30 years old. The most popular reason provided for the preferance of Aster scaber was good health benefits. People indicating a dislike for Aster scaber had generally fewer previous experiences of eating this plant. Respondents who regularly ate healthy foods preferred prepared Aster scaber to others foods(p < .001). The main purchasing place was traditional markets and supermarkets. The main cooking method was boiling with addition of seasoning. Aster scaber was purported as having the following characteristics "low calories and thus great as diet food'(4.03), 'ability to prevent adult disease'(3.95), 'high in vitamins and minerals'(3.89), and 'high fiber content which prevented constipation'(3.85). However, it was not associated with 'astringent taste'(3.51) and was regarded as 'fat accumulation restrainer and remover of heavy metal'(3.53). Recognition and eating experience was low for Aster scaber kimchi and rice bread, bread, sauce and Aster scaber added health drinks. However opinion of its taste was regarded highly.