Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(5):53-76.
미혼 성인남녀의 섹슈얼리티에 관한 기초연구
A Study on Premarital Adult of Sexuality
박수선, 김명자
숙명여자대학교 가정관리학과
This study conducted a survey on sexuality for the purpose of substantial verification, focusing on literature reviews of premarital sexuality. The Literature reviews included relevant studies of our society and its cultures such as premarital sexuality and behaviors, expressions of love or intimacy, contraception, abortion, sex education and sexuality in family contexts. The survey was conducted to 355 university students and 200 working premarital adults in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Gangwon areas. It has 21 questions to measure sexuality by sexual altitude sentence completion Scale (composed of 4 categories and options of the other items)which has been widely used by professional counsel institutes. Male and female students complete the sentence of this scale, then similar contents were classified. Love type test was developed by Hendrick & Hendrick (1986) was used to measure love and intimacy. Results from the sentence completion for sexuality attitudes are generally as follows: First of all, there was clear difference in male md female responses about each categories. For example, With regard to the questions on premarital sex with opposite sex friends of long time relationship, more than half of male students said it is all right, whereas more than half of female students answered to the same questions that it can never be possible, with many answering 'I don't know', or leaving them unanswered. The survey result, masturbation answered that Female is needed however many Females actually don't it. But Male is almost necessary and conduct himself. On questions regarding, Homosexuality is both male and Female answered opposed. These results of the study show that premarital adults clearly open to issues on sexuality compared with the past, but they have not established their own sexual identity, which can be seen with big gap between male and female perspectives, due to experiencing confusion under the changing environment of the society.