아동소비자의 용돈관리행동과 구매행동에 관한 연구 |
A Study on the Allowance Management and Buying Behaviors of Child Consumers |
Hyochung Kim |
Dept. of Family & Consumer Sciences, Inje University |
This study examined the factors affecting allowance management and buying behaviors and their interrelationship. The data were collected from fourth, fifth and sixth grade students of elementary students in Kimhae-city by a self-administered questionnaire. Frequency distributions, Cronbach's Alpha, Pearson's correlation analysis, regression analyses, and path analysis were analyzed by SPSS Windows. According to the regression model for the allowance management behaviors, the significant variables were the child's sex, term of receiving allowances, recognition of the allowance amount before receipt, parents' guidance before using allowances, parent-child communication about consumption, and parents' mediation of mass media. On the other hand, in the regression model for the buying behaviors, the satisfaction of the allowance amount, parents' guidance before using allowances, the amount of watching TV, parent-child communication about consumption, and allowance management behaviors were significant. The path model showed the child's sex, term of receiving allowances, recognition of the allowance amount before receipt, and parents' mediation of mass media indirectly affected the buying behaviors. In addition, the satisfaction of the allowance amount and the amount of watching 1V directly affected the buying behaviors. Moreover, parents' guidance before using allowances and parent-child communication about consumption had a direct effect and an indirect effect through the allowance management behaviors on the buying behaviors. Finally, the allowance management behaviors showed a strong positive effect on the buying behaviors. |
아동소비자, child consumers, 용돈관리행동, allowance management behaviors, 구매행동, buying behaviors |