Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(6):61-79.
질적 연구를 통한 독신동기 요인과 남녀 차이
Qualitative Study on the Causes of Being Single and Gender Differences
Kyung-won Kim
Dept. of Family Culture & Consumer Science Sungshin Women's University
The purpose of this study was to determine the leading causes of choosing to be single through in-depth interview. In the study I applied Hermeneutic Phenology to clarify the relationship between the past experiences and values of the subjects. I analyzed the leading causes that have drawn them to stay single, and the gender differences on the two subjects. The causes of being single were divided into two categories; personal factors and socio-environmental factors. The personal factors were standard value by birth order, expectation from parents, overcoming economic difficulty, and lack of interest toward the opposite sex. The socio-environmental factors were achievement at work, and ease of living. Staving single is not a special way of life. As found in the study, the cause of being single is not determined at birth, but rather results from being raised to be single in a way. The main cause of being single was basically based on the environment in which they were raised including parents' attitudes, economic situation, and sibling order We are living in a society of diversity. Being and staying single is a personal choice, that is one aspect of diversity. Therefore we need to widen our vision to accept the single life as one of the normal life styles and one for special treatment. We have to approve of other people's life styles as long as of causes no harm for the development of society. On the other hand, we need to be more serious about the family itself and having family. Finally I think we need to develop various family programs targeted at a diverse range of families rather than only at the normal family.