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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(11):157-170.
영화 여주인공의 의복이미지에 나타난 전문직업여성의 복장 유형의 변화연구(1)
A Study on Clothing Appearance for a Career Woman according to the Heroines' Clothing in Cinema(I)
계명대학교 패션정보기획전공
This study is an attempt to establish an aesthetic and fashion sense of the heroine's image and fashion according to the social environment which is related to fashion transformation. Also, this study modem society's need for specific social occupational roles through fashion and clothing in cinema. first, individual people are estimating their social position and ability by his/her fashion style. Modem fashion styles are changing into various, complicated, gorgeous and attractive styles; however, the needs of professional women's clothing styles are fairly conservative. Second, classical, closed, and unobtrusive fashion styles are appearing in modem cinema's clothing depending on professional women's expertise in fashion styles. Third, changes of styles are varied by their colors and clothing design. Colors had not changed very much during the last 30 years; however, in the 1980's, white and grey colors, in the 1990's black and achromatic colors, and in the beginning of this century dark green and brown and also diverse colors have been used. But the brightness is so light and expressed by a quiet and cold style. Furthermore, the inner images are judged by their forms which is determined by how people choose their clothing styles. Consequently, women's clothing styles easily appear as a result of their preconceived ideas formed by their professional knowledge and ability.
Keywords: 의복 유형, clothing style, 직업적인 전문성, occupational profession, 업무능력, business ability, 내면 이미지, inner image
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