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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(8):107-120.
N 세대의 패션가치관에 따른 패션디자인 선호도에 관한 연구
최정선1, 유태순2, 박휘숙3
부경대학교 패션디자인학과1, 대구 가톨릭대학교 의류학과2, 춘해대학 뷰티코디네이션과3
A Study on the Preference for Fashion Design According to Fashion Value of Net Generation's
최정선1, 유태순2, 박휘숙3
The purpose of this study is to characterize the preference for fashion design according to fashion value of Net generation's. This study has 824 samples of individuals aged from 13 to 24. These sampling data are analyzed by frequency analysis, cross-tabs analysis, T-test, LSD-test, MANOVA and ANOVA utilizing SPSS WIN package. The results of this study are as follows; Net generation's is economic value higher than other fashion value and prefer for ring cuffs, mandarin sleeves, shirt collar, round neckline, tailored pants, blue color, check pattern according to economic value. It is proved that in case of shirt, people prefer ring cuffs, raglan sleeves, shirt collar, for jacket, prefer coat cuffs, mandarin sleeves, tailored collar, for jumper, they prefer single cuffs, set in sleeves, soutien collar and for T-shirt, prefer round neckline. For the design and length of pants, people prefer long tailored pants, color of blue and check designed one. It is proved that women haute a higher degree of preference for sleeve-design, neckline-design and color than men do.1318 teenagers have a higher preference for sleeve-design, neckline-design and color than semi-adult. Above university educational-course Net generation has a higher degree of preference for sleeve-design, neckline-design and color than high school educational-course Net generation does. A class of average monthly income of 2-3 million won has a higher degree of preference for neckline-design and color than other lasses do. And there is no difference at the preference for the fashion design when considered classes of average monthly expenditure on purchasing clothes.
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