Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(4):151-165.
논문편 : 체계론에 근거한 주관적 재정안정도에 대한 인과적 모형
이화여자대학교 가정관리학과 대학원생
Causal model of Urban Households' Subjective Financial Security
The purpose of this study was to examine causal model of resources and demands, family financial management and subjective financial security among urban households based on system theory. For this purpose, the data were collected by the questionnaire sheets. 455 housewives participated this survey in Seoul. And the data were analyzed by various statistical methods such as Frequency, Percentile, ANOVA, F-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, Multipe Regression Analysis, and Path Analysis. The results of this research were as follows: 1. There were significant differences in the Subjective Financial Security according to resource variables and demand yariables. Those variables were such as housewive's age, education, occupation, househead's occupation, per capita income, aspiration, expectancy, perception of financial progress and relative deprivation. 2. The higher family financial management level, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. And the higher family financial management plan·implement level, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. 3. The lower debt/asset ratio, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. 4. Aspiration, per capita income an financial managemant variables showed direct effect on Subjective Financial security among all variables affecting the urban households' Subjective financial security. While housewive's education level, aspiration, per capita income and husband's occupation affected indirectly on the Subjective Financial security through family financial managemant.