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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):443-459.
논문편 : 생태학적 관점에서 본 주부의 생활 폐기물 재활용 행동에 관한 인과적 분석
숙명여자대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
Ecological Modeling of Urban Housewives' Recycling Behavior
The purpose of this study were (1) to investigate the effect of environments on the ecological value orientation (2) to examine the effect of environments and ecological value orientation on housewives' recycling behavior and (3) to analyze the hypothesized causal model of the housewives' recycling behavior in order to explain direct and indirect effects of the selected variables. 687 samples were selected from housewives living in Seoul. Cronbach's a, descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression were used for data analysis The major findings are as follows: Housewives' recycling behavior In conclusion the result of the path analysis explained the contribution of variables on housewives' household recycling. It was found that the ecological value orientation makes the most significant contribution to household recycling.
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