청소년의 일상적 스트레스와 우울에 관한 연구: 자기조절력의 완충효과를 중심으로 |
이지숙, 이봉재, 오윤진 |
호서대학교 사회복지학 전공, 서울신학대학교 사회복지학과, 세종사이버대학교 사회복지학부 |
The Buffering Effects of Self-Mastery on the Relationship between DailyStress and Depression among Adolescents |
Yun-Jin Oh, Lee, Jee-Sook, Lee, Bong-Jae |
Department of Social Welfare, Sejong Cyber University, Department of Social Welfare, Hoseo University of Social Welfare, Seoul Theological University |
The relationship between daily stress, depression and self-mastery, and the role of self-mastery as a moderator were studied among adolescents (N = 186). Findings were as follows: (1) daily stress was positively correlated with depression, whereas self-master was negatively correlated with depression; (2) items which caused most stress to participants were related to study and peer pressure; (3) self-mastery moderated and buffered the effect of stress on depression, in particular daily stress related to the areas of study and school. Adolescents with high levels of selfmastery were significantly less likely to report symptoms of depression with increasing levels of daily stress, compared to adolescents reporting low levels of self-mastery. Granting limitations imposed by the convenience sample, the study supports the role of theoretical buffering for self-mastery in the context of stress processes, and suggests the need for developing self-mastery of adolescents by implementing empowerment models. |
일상적 스트레스, daily stress, 청소년 우울, adolescent depression, 자기조절력, self-mastery, 조절변수, moderating variable, 임파워먼트 모델, empowerment model |