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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2006;44(2):61-69.
노년기 여성들의 의복구매동기에 따른 의복구매행동
Clothing Purchase Behavior of the Elderly by Clothing Buying Motive
Eun Mi Kang, Eun Joo, Park
Division of Clothing and Textile, Dong-A University
The purposes of this study were,1) to examine the clothing purchase behaviors of the elderly, and 2) to investigate the relationships of clothing purchase behaviors, information source, service quality and clothing buying motive, which may provide insights related to the silver market. Data were obtained for women in their 50's and 60's women living in Busan (N=285), and analyzed using to factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, ANOVA and Duncan test. The research findings of the research wereare asan follows. The elderlys women bought clothes with their her friends, used credit cards, and usually shopped at the department stores. There were partly significant (Ed- it cannot be 'partly' either it was significant or it was not) differences in clothing purchase behaviors, information source, and service quality by clothing buying motive types. The ostentation group considered more massmideamass mediainformation sources and experience/salespersons/observation information sources, more was higher than the economic group and utility groups. The ostentation group and economical groups attached more importance to Facilities Service and Policy Service in service quality, was higher than the utility group. The Iimplications and drawn from the study results for the information will be useful to consumer behavior researchers and retailers of the silver market.
Keywords: 의복구매동기, Clothing Buying Motive, 정보원, Information Source, 서비스품질, Service Quality, 의복구매행동, Clothing Purchase Behaviors
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