서울시 시설거주 노인의 여가프로그램제약정도와 여가생활만족도 - 무료양로시설을 중심으로 - |
The Leisure Constraint and Leisure Life Satisfaction of the Institutionalized Elderly in Seoul - Focusing on the Free Institutionalized Elderly - |
Mee Sok Park |
Major in Family Resource Management, Sookmyung Women's University |
This study investigated the leisure constraints and leisure life satisfaction of the institutional elderly. The respondents were 302 elderly people residing in 5 free institutionalized elderly homes in Seoul. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, One-way ANOVA, Duncan's post hoc test and regression analysis using SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the 10 items in the proposed scale could be grouped into four factors of constraint on leisure:'physical constraint','psychological constraint','interpersonal constraint', and 'structural constraint 'There were differences in leisure constraints according to sex, age, education degree, interaction with facility colleagues, and interaction with facility staff. There were differences in leisure life satisfaction according to sex, age, having religion or not, interaction with facility colleagues, interaction with facility staff and leisure constraints. Regression analysis results indicated that the main effective factors of leisure life satisfaction were leisure constraints. |
양로시설, Institutionalized elderly, 여가프로그램, Leisure activity program, 여가제약, Leisure constraint, 여가생활만족, Satisfaction of Leisure Life |