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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(1):71-85.
논문편 : 노인의 생활만족도 향상을 위한 기초연구 - 가족부양체계를 중심으로 한 인과모형의 검증 -
박성연 , 최혜경
Family support system and life satisfaction of the elderly : exploring a causal model
Seong Yun Park , Hye Kyung Choi
The study attempts to explore factors which affect life satisfaction of the elderly, and thereby to identify the most efficient strategy to enhance their happiness and satisfaction with life by means of a family support system. Previous research suggests that the family is the main origin from which emotional and ecionomic satisfacton of the aged evolves, and satisfaction is facilitated by societal assistance for the family to financially support old persons. These theoretical antecedents are incorporated into a causal model for empirical verificatio. To this end, interviews were conducted in Seoul with 300 individuals who are 60 years old or over. The major findings of this study support the theoretical assertions of previous studies. They are summarized as follows : 1. Family solidarity is highly correlated with life satisfaction of the elderly. 2. Family solidarity is raised by the intensity of their social association, satisfaction with housing, and financial resources. 3. Eduation, income and marital status as exogenous variables do not directly affect life satisfaction and family solidarity, despite their strong overall correlation. Casual effects of each variable are linked to family solidarity and then to life satisfaction through a family support system for the elderly.
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