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The Changes in Properties of Silk Fabrics Dyed with Safflower under Ultraviolet-Light
Shin, Youn-Sook, Choi, Seung-Youn
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):1-6.
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Analysis of Educational Demands for Diet Education of Middle School Students in Daegu
Cho, Eun-Mi, Kim, Mee-Ra
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):7-19.
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Case Studies on the Leadership of Mothers Who Brought up Leaders
Kim, Kyoung-A
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):21-33.
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The Effects of the Congruence between Cosmetic Advertising Image and Self-Image on Consumer Attitudes
Choi, Jung-Sun, Jeon, Jung-Ok
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):35-45.
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The Stability of Temperament During Infancy - A Short-Term Longitudinal Study -
Lee, Hyung-Min, Park Choi, Hye-Won, Kim, Mal-Kyong, Chang, You-Kyung, Choi, Yu-Li
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):47-58.
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The Effects of Perception of Appearance Importance on Sportswear Benefits Sought, Evaluative Criteria, and Image Preferences of Female Consumers
Hwang Jin-Soak
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):59-69.
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The Effects of Separation Anxiety of Mothers and Young Children, and Mothers' Overprotection on Young Children's Peer Competence
Kim Mi-Kyoung, Kim Youn-Hwa, Han Sae-Young
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):71-84.
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The Effects of Self-Concept, Hyperactivity, and Behavioral Problems on Peer Harrassment in Preschool Children
Shin Yoo-Urn
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):85-93.
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The Effects of Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Differentiation on Psychological Adjustment of College Student
Ha Sang-Hee, Chung Hye-Jeong
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):95-108.
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The Role of Body Image and Conspicuous Consumption Tendency on Luxury Brand Buying Behaviour
Rhee Young-Ju
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2008;46(7):109-120.