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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(1):37-49.
논문편 : 의복디자인의 평가도구 개발을 위한 연구 - 실루엣 평가를 중심으로 -
창원전문대학 의상과
A Study on the Development of a Clothing Design Evaluation Instrument
The purpose of this study was to investigate the visual effects of clothing design. The specific objectives were: 1) to develop a clothing design evaluation instrument using semantic differential scales for the purpose of measuring visual responses with clothing design: 2) to identify the factor structure of the clothing design evaluation instrument: 3) to test the differences of perception to the clothing design depending on sex and knowledge about clothing design. The major findings were: 1. 37 pairs of descriptors of clothing form were found to include five factor dimensions (total variance:62.1%). Five major factors were found: attractiveness, practicability, elegance, comfort, hardness and softness. 2. for the visual evaluation of silhouettes, there were significant differences. H-line was explained by the simple image. A-line was explained by the comfortable image. V-line was explained by the mature and refined image. X-line was explained by the attractive and femine image and evaluated positively. 3. For the visual evaluation of observers, there were partly significant differences depending on sex and knowledge about clothing design in the observers' responses. But there were greater differences depending on sex than knowledge about clothing design in the observers' responses.
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