패션상품 소비자의 관계혜택지각이 만족에 미치는 영향 |
The Influence of Relationship Benefit Perception and Consumer Satisfaction for Fashion Products |
Jie-Yurn Kim, Rhee, Eun-Young |
Department of Fashion design, Honam Univ., Department of clothing and textiles, Seoul National Univ. |
The purpose of this study is to examine consumer's relationship benefit perception for fashion products and to examine the influence of relationship benefit perception on consumer satisfaction based on consumer characteristics. Data for this research were collected by surveying 766 women older than 20 years old in Seoul, Gwangju, and Gyeonggi-do. The following is a summary of the conclusions reached from this research: (1) Relationship benefit perception was divided into five separate areas: informational benefit, emotional benefit, special treatment benefit, economic benefit and social benefit. (2) Relationship benefit perception influenced consumer satisfaction. (3) There was a difference in benefits influenced on consumer satisfaction based on consumer characteristics such as sociability, relationship preference, and price importance. |
패션상품 관계마케팅, Relationship Marketing for fashion product, 관계혜택 지각, Relationship benefit perception, 소비자 만족, consumer satisfaction |