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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(7):23-35.
건강관련식품 구매 후 소비자의 불만호소행동
A Study on the Consumer Complaining behavior Regarding Functional Health Foods
Young Ok Kim, Mie-Kyung Jae, Kyung Ok Lee
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Inje University
This study examined the consumer complaining behavior after purchasing functional health foods and investigated the variables which influence public and private consumer complaining behavior. The subjects of this study were 206 consumers who were dissatisfied after purchasing functional health foods. The survey was conducted during September. 15-October 6, 2003. Percentiles, frequencies, means, χ² and logistic regression were utilized for data analysis with SPSS program. Major findings were as follows: 1 The groups reporting public complaining behavior were over college graduate, high income workers, professional and clerical workers(demographic variables). Purchasing related variable were high purchasing price, strategy of sales person and. ad, purchasing channel through door to door sales, telemarketing, multi level sales, and home shopping, purchasing purpose of weight control and cosmetic. 2. The groups reporting private complaining behavior were high school graduate, low income workers, housewives and the unemployed(demographic variables). Purchasing related variable were low purchasing price, the case of consumer need, purchasing in the shop, purchasing purpose of health restoration.
Keywords: 건강관련식품, functional health foods, 불만호소행동, complaining behavior, 공적불만호소행동, public complaining behavior, 사적불만호소행동, private complaining behavior
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