Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(4):79-95.
포괄적인 장애아 통합보육 서비스 모형 개발
Development of a Comprehensive and Integrated Child-Care Services Model
Chunghee Chung, Choi, Bo-Ga, Jeon, Gwee-Yeon, Kim, Sooyoung
Dept. of Child and Family Studies, Kyungpook National University, Dept of child Studies, Taegu Catholic University
The Purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive and integrated child-care services model for children both with and without disabilities. The comprehensive perspective included several dimensions such as education, child welfare, family welfare, and community welfare. Survey research based on theories and models regarding the integrated child-care services was carried out to determine the overall needs of child-care institutions, parents, and community members. The results revealed the need for development in the following three areas: (1) edu-care curriculums for integrated programs, (2) programs for supporting family members who have disabilities children, and (3) improved community members' perception about integrated child-care services. A model was developed for fulfil these identified needs.