Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(3):105-118.
재가노인과 시설노인의 자아존중감, 죽음불안 및 우울에 관한 연구
A Study on Self-Esteem, Death Anxiety and Depression of the Elderly in Home and Facilities
Mi Na Oh, Choi, Wai Sun
Dept. of Family & Housing Studies, Yeungnam University
The purposes or this study were to compare and analyze the differences between the elderly in their own home and those in facilities in terms of their self-esteem, death anxiety, depression level and psychological characteristics. The subjects were the 386 elderly over 55 living in home and in facilities, free or paid. They had no physical or cognitive disabilities and were living in Daegu city, Kyungbuk and Kyungnam province. There were significant differences in self-esteem, death anxiety, depression level and the path to depression between the two elderly groups with the elderly in facilities showing negative aspects of psychological characteristics. The problems of caregiving for the elderly should be covered by social welfare.