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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(9):213-235.
영아전담 공공가정 설계를 위한 기초연구
A basic study on the Design of Institutional Household for Infants
Kyung Ja Doo
Dept. of Consumer & Housing Studies, Sang Myung Univ.
This study investigated the Infant Institutional Household (IIH) for the care of infants. The purpose was to provide basic information needed to raise Korea's birth rate and to design higher level nursing facilities which can satisfy working mothers who are presently offered few facilities. To achieve this purpose. IIM was divided into 7 sub-functional stations : planning-management, marketing, materials-management, business-management, man power-management, financial-management and control etc. The results are as follows : 1. Kind of facilities : Infants'(full responsibility) Institutional Household. 2. Number of infants : total 19 babies. 3. Ratio of infants to teachers : one to one (Contained assistance teachers) 4. Installing region : convenient traffic place - in Seoul. 5. Building site and kind : the first floor space of 60pyung (198㎡) in the Apartment complex which . contained many apartments of small size. 6. Nursing time : 24-hour day care in weekdays Age of object : age from 1month to 24months old babies(after his/her birth). 7. Kind of services and Cost : mother-like care, cost includes nursing-fee, a deposit and admission-fee. 8. Economic Condition and managing direction : pursuit limited profits with nursing-fee, admission-fee, a loan and national (or self -government of direct) supplementary funds.
Keywords: 영아, infant, 공공가정, Institutional Household, 설계, Design
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