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A Study on the Nutritional Status and Eating Behaviors of Underweight Adolescent Females, Aged 15 to 19 years, using Data from 2001 NHANS of Korea
Park, Young-Sook, Kwon, Min-Kyung
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):1-11.
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Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Colorants Extraction and Dyeability of Safflower
Kim, Yong-Sook, Choi, Jong-Myoung
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):13-20.
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The Impact of the Attributes of Fashion Brand Online Communities on High School Students' Commitment to the Community
Lim, Sung-Jun, Hwang, Choon-Sup
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):21-31.
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A Study on the Benefits Sought Information Sources Utilized by Consumers Based on the Distribution Channels of Herbal Cosmetics
Lee, Seung-Min
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):33-44.
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The Expenditure Pattern of the Indebted Overspending Households
Lee, Seong-Lim, Sung, Young-Ae
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):45-57.
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The Differences in Wives' Financial Management Behavior according to Variables Related Employment and Income, and Perceived Economic Instability
Jeong, Seo-Leen, Jang, Yoon-Ok
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):59-71.
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Improving UV-cut Ability of Natural Dyed Fabrics - Focused on Cellulose Fabrics Dyed with Safflower Yellow Colorants -
Shin, Youn-Sook, Choi, Seung-Youn
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):73-81.
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Effects of Parental Attachment and Mediated Perfectionism on the Subjective Well-Being of Undergraduate Students
Min, Sung-Hye, Shin, Hye-Won
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):83-95.
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A Study on Actual Conditions of Outdoor Facilities Safety in Kindergarten Playground
Lee, Hee-Sun, Choi, Mi-Ran
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):97-111.
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Exploration of Forgiveness Ability in Middle-aged Married Women
Choi, Mi-Ok, Oh, Yoon-Ja
J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc. 2007;45(10):113-126.