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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(3):85-99.
취업주부의 직업 - 가정 갈등 , 가사노동사회화 , 그리고 가정관리만족간의 인과관계
한양여자전문대학 여성교양과
Causal Relationships among Working Wives' Work-Family Conflict, Socialization of Housework, and Home Management Satisfaction
The major purpose of this research was to investigate the causal relationships among working wives' work-family conflict, socialization of housework, and home management satisfaction. the double ABCX model of family stress and adaptation provided the theoretical framework for this study. the data were recruited from working wives who had more than one pre-school child. The respondents were asked to complete the self-administered questionnaires, and the responses of 536 working wives were used for the final analysis. basically Cronbach's α to the reliability of major variables, frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, pearson's correlation coefficients, and LISREL 7 program were performed to test the research model. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. The frequency of work-family conflict was affected by the flexibility of work time and wives' income. 2. The severity of wok-family conflict was directly influenced by the frequency of the conflict, the flexibility of work-time, and wives' education level. 3. The variables influencing the degree of socialization of housework were found to be the frequency and the severity of work-family conflict, wives' education, and the degree of husband's participation in housework. 4. The higher degree of home management satisfaction was associated with the higher level of family member's health status, the greater degree of the flexibility of work-time, and the greater degree of husband's participation in household labor.
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