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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1995;33(1):203-210.
우리나라 여중생의 착의량과 쾌적감에 관한 연구 - 5월에서 10월 , 서울지역을 중심으로 -
연세대학교 교육대학원 가정교육학 전공
A Study on the Korean Middle School Girl Students' Clothing Weight and COmfort Sensations
The purpose of this study was to investigate the weights of clothing that middle school girl students are wearing and ghow athe students evaluate their comfort sensations for the state-of-clothing and classroom conditions. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Average total weights of clothing of each month were 795.5g/m2 for May(23.4oC), 539-590.6g/m2(26.0-31.2oC) from June to August, 723.6g/m2 for September(25.6oC) and 980.2g/m2 for October(24.0oC). 2. Total weight was changed markedly from May to June and from september to October. The change was mainly by tops. Not much change was observed for the bottoms due to the fact that students were blue jeans irrespect of the environmental conditions. 3. Not significant relationship was observed between clothing weights adn comfort sensations. When the classroom temperature was 23.4oC, more than 50% of the students answered comfortable. 4. Negative correlation was observed between amount of bottoms weight and Rohrer Index; in other words, fat students were less bottoms such as pants of skirts. 5. Negative correlation was observed between physical finess and amount of under shirts at the month of May, June and October; students with igher physical fitness scores wear less under wear when the environmental temperature changes.
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