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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1966;5(1):815-825.
유지의 (油脂) 항산화제의 항산화능력에 대하여
강신주 , 남윤자
Studies on the Antioxidant Action of Antioxidant of Oils and Fats
Shin Joo Kang , Yun Ja Nam
Many synthetic antioxidants are now used to prevent the oxidation of oils and fats. Among the synthetic and tioxidants, it was known that those of HQ(Hydroquinone), BHA(Butyl hydroxyanisole), IG(isoamyl gallate), and NDGA(Nordihydro guaiaretic acid) are most efficient as the antioxidizing agent. In this work, Degree of antioxidation was investigated on the some such antioxidans BHA, CI(citric acid), AA(Ascoric acid) for several kinds of oils and fats which are most available in Korea by determining Acid value and Iodine Value. The results of experiments were as follows 1. The decreasing order of antioxidizing action by acid value is BHA, AA, CA. 2. The order of antioxidizing action by Iodine value is almost same as the case of Acid Value. 3. It is effective to add the antioxidants to kep oils and fat. 4. Oxidation is accelerated by standing oils and fats after boiling in the from fry pan. 5. Sesame oil is little oxidized without antioxidant.
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