Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(4):157-168.
『 소학 (小學)』에 나타난 동몽기 (童蒙期) 예절교육에 관한 연구
동국대학교 가정교육과
A study on the moral education of childhood in the "So-Hak"
The purpose of this study is to consider the『So-Hak』that is a teaching material book of child education, to apply for the education of children. Especilly this study analyzed the structure and contents of the 『So-Hak』and considered the modern significance of children's moral education in the parts of「Kyoung-sin」. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. The structure of『So-Hak』is two parts of inside and outside, the inside parts are structure four volumes「Ib-Kyo」,「Myoung-Ryoon」,「Kyoung-Sin」,「Kye-Gyo」and the outside parts are structured two volumes「Ka-Eon」,「Sun-Haing」. The contents are including the explaynatory notes everyday life a saying for self-culture, a loyal subject, dutiful son. The inside parts proved of the introduction of Confucianism, quoting the Confucius Four scripture. The outside parts proved of the example the family words and good deeds. 2. The fundamental spirit of moral education including the part of「Kyoung-Sin」is the education of Humanism. It is the education of a moral Principle and human nature that morality welled up naturally is one's mind. It is significant for the mental education is modern society regarded as the times of moral crisis.