Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(3):213-222.
논문편 : 소형아파트의 방위에 따른 실내온열환경 실태와 평가
연세대학교 주생활학과
Thermal Environment of Small-size Apartments Facing in Two Different Directions
The purpose of this study was to investigate the present conditions of thermal environment in small-size apartments. The research methods used were measuring of environmental elements and personal self-administration for the residents' thermal comfort responses. The house subjected were 25 peung apartments facing southeast and southwest directions. The results of this study were summarized as follow ; The indoor temperature and humidity of houses subjected were 25.0∼27.3℃, 37.1∼42.5%. Compared with the distribution of indoor temperature and globe temperature of houses subjected, those of southeast house were more stable. And in the residents' thermal sensation responses, the residents of southeast houses checked more often neutral zone. Therefore the thermal environment of southeast houses were more comfortable condition than southwest houses.