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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(3):175-196.
논문편 : 시판 타이트 스커트의 구성실태 분석
전주우석대학교 의상학과
An Analysis to Construction Conditions of Tight Skirt for Sale
The present study was designed to find out the construction conditions of tight skirt for sale in relation to its brand, target age and length. The 15 tight skirts each from 3 brand groups(designer character, national and minor brand) of 2 target age groups(youth and middle age) and the 15 tight skirts each from 3 skirt length groups(mini, natural line and maxi) of only the minor brand-a total of the 120 tight skirts on the market-were measured. The data were analyzed with use of SAS package. The statistics were based on frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and linear regression analysis. The main results were as follows. 1. There were significant differences in the construction conditions of tight skirt according to its brand and target age. There was a significant difference particurarly in the difference between hip girth and hem girth according to brand target age. The difference between hip girth and hem girth of designer's character brand skirt was larger than that of national brand & minor brand skirt, and that of skirt targeting the youth was larger than that of skirt targeting the middle aged. 2. There were significant difference particurarly in the differences in the construction conditions of tight skirt according to its length. There was a significant difference particurarly in the difference between hip girth and he girth according to skirt length, and that of maxi skirt was larger than that of mini & natural line skirt. There was a good correlation between skirt length and slit length and between skirt length and skirt length above the slit. The longer the skirt length was, the longer the slit length and the skirt length above the slit were.
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