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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(3):29-46.
논문편 : 주부의 가정관리능력과 가정생활만족도와의 관계
관동대학교 가정교육과
A Study on the Relation Between Home Management Ability and Family Life Satisfaction of Home Makers
The purpose of this study were to investigate the relation between home management ability and family life satisfaction of home makers, and to find out variables which influence them. The data were collected though the questionnaire whose respondent were 408 home makers in Kwang Ju and Kang Reung. The data were analyzed by various statistical method such as Cronbach's coefficient, factor analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, F-test, t-test, Duncan's multiple range test, regression analysis and path analysis. The results were as follow. 1. Home management ability score showed 68.5. Influential variables on home management ability were the level of education (husband and wife), occupation of husband and income as sociodemographic variables, and degree of resourcefulness recognition and of communication as psychological variables. 2. Family life satisfaction score showed 74.6. Influential variables on home management ability were the level of education (husband), occupation of husband and income as sociodemographic variables, and degree of resourcefulness recognition, of communication and of stress recognition as psychological variables. 3. The degree of communication was the highest influential variable to have influence on family life satisfaction. And the degree of resourcefulness recognition, of stress recognition, occupation of husband and wife, level of education(husband), number of children were variables to have directly and/or indirectly influence on family life satisfaction.
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