Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(3):15-27.
논문편 : 세시풍속에 대한 여성의 인식 및 가사작업에 관한 연구
영남대학교 가정관리학과
The Study on the Concept and the Present State of Women's Housework for Traditional Customs of Four Seasons
The Purpose of this study is to serve as the basic data for the succession of traditional culture. The subjects of this study were (926) mothers and their daughters living in Taegu. The analysis of the data was done through SPSS pc+ programs. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Regarding to the degree of the people's participation in Traditional Customs of Four Seasons,“New Year's Day”,“Chusok(Chinese Thanks-giving Day)”,“Sangwon(The 1st Full-Moon Day)”,“boknal”are the occasions of the high participation. Ragarding to the characteristics of the groups participating, mothers' groups (compared with daughters'), the group with the positive concept about the customs(compared with the one with the negative concept), and the buddhist group(compared with other religion) are predominant. 2. Regarding to the degree of women's working lord for the Traditional Customs of Four Seasons, the significant variables on family environment in which the women are situated are family religion, The place of grown-up, Daugthers-in-laws order, and family type. Family type is found as the significant variable of Family environment in the degree of socialization of preparing effort of dishes. 3. Through factor analysis concepts of the Traditional Customs of Four Seasons are classified into 3 type, i.e.,「Conventional customs of good morals」,「Women's role in preparation for dishes」, and「The weights of the related load in women's housework」. 4. The direct factors influencing the women's housework related to Traditional Customs of Four Seasons are「Conventional customs of good morals」,「The weights of the related load in women's housework」and「The satisfaction of Traditional Customs of Four Seasons」. The indirect factor is found as 「Conventional customs of good morals」.