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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(2):205-212.
논문편 : 의류 매장 종류에 따른 쇼윈도우 디스플레이에 관한 조사 연구
영남대학교 가정대학 의류학과
A Survey on the Show Window Display of the Clothing Store [II]
In order to research the display of the apparel store, 164 women's clothing in Taegu were investigated, from September 1. to October 31.1991. The result was as follows; 1. The perpendicular style of the show window glasses is widely used regardless of the store types. 2. The show window story is most frequently found at street-level in Taegu brand stores, but there are a few multi-storied show windows in National bland stores. 3. The open style background is used in a great part of Taegu brands, but the semi-open style is widely used in most National blands. 4. The arrangement of simular colors is used in a great parts of National brands, but the arrangement of different colors is used in many Taegu brands. 5. The base light and spot light is used at a high rate regardless of the stores, but the mannequin is more often used in National brands and Taegu brands.
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