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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(2):177-188.
논문편 : 식품색에 대한 여성의 기호조사 1 ( 연령별 )
효성여자대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과
A Survey On Women's Preference of Food Color
To obtain a clear understanding of the degree of effect by the food color in diet habits, this study was a survey of the taste for food color. In this study, the term of investigation was tow months(May and Jun. 1992), the object was 10's∼50's women, and the sampling of them at random contain 100 person, respectively. The data-treatment was determinded by frequency, percentage, SD, Chi-square, Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient, Correlation, F-test as measured by SAS program for PC and statistical figures were obtained by GDAS. The results were as follows; 1. Food color in diet habits. : The relationship of food color with appetite by age group was showed to affect all age groups having more then 90%. The concern for food color by age group showed the lowst teenage having 56.7%, showing more then 70% except teenage. When chosen food, The most important characteristics of food was not age group but taste. In the correlation between characteristics, The correlation between color and form, taste and nutrition was showed affirmative. The difference test for the taste of food color and general color was shown, and the level of significance was chosen at 95%. 2. In the correlation between food color and the sense of emotion, The food color of depression and solitude was purple, the color of sadness and crying was white. But in case of only solitude, A statistical significance was shown. 3. In the investigation of taste for food color, the mean of taste degree was high in red, orange, yellow, yellowish green, green, white and low in blue, black. Their statistical significance was shown between colors but, was not shown between age groups. 4. In the relation of food color and associated with food, the colors of associated with food shown a vast difference with natural food color were blue(85.5%), purple(80.0%), pink(41.7%) and yellow(40.0%) but, A red color was not shown the error rate of associated with food color at all. Almost all kinds of associated with food were fruits and vegetables.
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