Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(2):111-126.
논문편 : 주부의 가정생활상의 Stress 와 심리적 손상에 관한 연구 - 광주시에 거주하는 전업주부를 대상으로 -
목포대학교 가정관리학과
A Study on the Stress of Housewife Received in the Family Life and Psychological Distress - From the Housewifes living in Kwangju city -
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between the stress of housewife received in the family life and psychological distress of housewife. For these purposes, this research conducted a survey by using questionaire developed by former researchers. The subjects of this study are 418 Centering on the housewifes living in Kwangju. The significant results are as follows. 1) General tendency of the stress level of housewife received in the family life is relatively low. 2) The household background variables(duration of marriage, level of education, husband's occupation, income, leisure actives, socio-economics status) have turned out to be significant on the stress level of housewife received in the family life and psychological distress of housewife. 3) There are positive corriations between housewife's stress received in the family life and psychological distress level of housewife. 4) In stepwise multiple regression analysis, the psychological distress of housewife was greatly influenced by variables such as the health problem.