논문편 : 「 자아존중감 척도 」 개발에 관한 연구 (1) |
최보가 |
경북대학교 생활과학대학 가정관리학과 |
A Study on the Development of"the Self-Esteem Inventory"(I) |
최보가 |
The purpose of this study was to develop 「the Self-Esteem Inventory」(SEI). The 2,451 subjects were selected randomly from 4, 5 and 6th grades of elementary schools and the first and second grades of middle schools in the city to Taegu. Factor analysis, Pearson's r, Cramer's V, and Cronbach's αwere conducted for the statistical analysis. It was found that (1) Factor analysis showed that SEI consisted of 4 factors (global, social-peers, home-parents, and school-academics), (2) The discriminant coefficients of the items (Cramer's V)ranged from 0.25 to 0.71, (3) The reliability coefficients of the scale (Cronbach's α) ranged from 0.69 to 0.84, and (4) The correlation coeffcients of the SEI with RSES and CSEI ranged from 0.47 to 0.78. |