Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1993;31(2):1-14.
논문편 : 8 , 15 광복 직전 , 후의 가정과 교육의 비교
서울교육대학교 실과교육과
Comparison of Home Economics Education in Korean School before with after Korean Independence of the Dominance of Japan Empire.
The purpose of this study is to find the differences between home economics before and after korean Independence of the dominance of Japanes Empire. The specific aimes are to compare the subject organization, educational purpose and subject contents etc. of home economics in korean school before with after the Korean Independence of the dominance of Japanes Empire. The methods to study were to analyze some documents(laws or regulations)and textbooks etc. at that time. The result of this study is summerized as follow. 1. The subject of home economics in primary school were‘Jaibong(sewing)’,‘Kasa(household affairs)’just before Korean Independence of Japan in 1945. But the subject of home economics changed to‘Yori(cooking)’,‘Jaibong’after Korean Independence in 1945. In 1946,‘Yori’and Jaibong were integrated in‘Kasa’. In 1954, ‘Kasa’changed to ‘Silkwa(Practical Course)’. The subject of home economics in middle or high girl school were‘Kajeong(home)’, ‘Yuga(nursing)’,‘Bogeon(preservation of health)’,‘Pibok(clothing)’just before Korean Independence in 1945. But the 4 subjects changed to‘Kasa’,‘Jaibong’,‘Suye(embroidery)’and the 3 subjects changed‘Sileop and Kajeong(home affairs)’again. 2. The hours per week assigned to home economics education were higher in high school years than in low school years both in primary schools and middle or high schools. 3. Among various home economics subjects, the hours assigned to‘Jaibong’were higher than any other home economics subjects. But The hours assigned to the‘Kasa’tended to increase in high school years. 4. The purpose of home economics education in schools before Korean Independence of Japan focused of fostering korean's loyalty to Japan Empire in the end and on cultivating womanly virtue etc. This tendency was more prominant in middle or high school than primary school. 5. Korean home economics education during about 10 years generally followed the home economics education of Japanes Empire. 6. The home economics education in primary school for school boys was practised after 1955(The period of 1th curriculum). Before that time was practised home economics education for school girls. 7. Generally home economics education in Korean schools was weakened after Korea became Independant of Japanes Empire in 1945. 8. The contents of home economics education after Korean Independence tended to follow those of Japan. Among domains of the home economics the rate of contents of‘siksainghwall(life of foods)’tended to be largest, the rate of‘Jusainghwal(life of house)’lowest in primary, while the contents of‘oeusainghwal(life of clothing)’tended to be largest, the rate of‘Jusainghwal(life of house)’lowest in middle education.