Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(4):293-306.
논문편 : 도시 신혼기가계의 주거이동계획에 관한 연구
조은정, 배순영
서울대학교 소비자·아동학과
A Study on the Housing Moving Plan of Urban Establising Families
Eun Jung Cho, Soon Young Pae
The purpose of this study was to figure out the housing moving plan of urban establising families. For this purpose 274 establising families in Seoul and metro-politan area were interviewed through the standardized questionnares. Finally 264 questionnares were analyzed. The major findings were as follows; 1. The time of housing move is generally planned in 3 years from now. 2. The 78 percent of establing families planned collective housing as next housing. This tendency was higher in older group, in more income group, in higher education group, in collective housing group, in larger housing group. 4. The mean size of planned housing is about 26 pyoung. This tendency was also higher in older group, in larger housing group.