Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(3):307-324.
논문편 : 어머니의 취업에 따른 자녀양육행동과 아동의 사회적 능력과의 관계
안재연, 박성연
이화여자대학교 가정관리학과
A Study on Children's Social Competence and Maternal Behavior Related to maternal employment variables
Jae Yeon Ahn, Seong Yeon Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among maternal behavior, their children's social competence and the variables related to maternal employment. The subjects were 245 4th-6th grade elementary school children and their working-mother. Park, and Lee(1990)'s KMBI and Pease et al.(1979)'s ISCS were used to measure maternal child-rearing behavior and children's social competence respectively. The major findings were as follows : 1. The significant differences in children's social competence were found according to mother's satisfaction with job and preference to job, the degree of father's support, birth order, income level, and father's educational level. 2. The significant differences in mother's child-rearing behavior were found according to mother's preference to job and the motivation of employment, the degree of father's practical support, and parental educational level. 3. Through the path analysis, maternal employment variables related directly or indirectly to each factor of social competence were identified.