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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(3):257-270.
논문편 : 선물증여의 (膳物贈與) 개념에 관한 이론적 고찰
이상협, 박명희
대구대학교 가정관리학과
A Conceptual Framework for the Gift Giving in Consumer Behavior Research
Sang Hyup Lee, Myung Hee Park
Gift giving is usually conducted at festive days, Christmas or Parent's day. When consumers purchase gifts, they have some troubles about efficiency and economy of gifts. The issues about gifts purchase also involve the conceptualizing and establishing evaluative measure of gifts. In order to solve some problems concerning to gift giving, it is necessary to define the concept of gift giving above all. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to establish the concept of gift giving in heop of the study of anthropology and sociology about the beginning of gifts. And it attempts to review on gift giving in the field of consumer behavior. So, first this article proposes that the core concept of gift giving is a reciprocity. It means the obligatory system performed among small groups or individuals. Second, in order to analize the gift giving process, it needs to involve important variables-gift occasion and motivation of gift giving, and intimacy relationship.
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A Content Analysis in Consumer Research, 1980-1999  2000 April;38(4)
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