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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(3):91-99.
논문편 : 식이 단백질 수준의 차이가 흰쥐에서 무균 배양된 원충 감염시에 Caecal Content 의 pH 와 혈청 단백질에 미치는 영향
오산전문대학 전통조리과
Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Caecal Content pH and Serum Protein in Rats to Axenically Cultured Protozoa
Choon Ok Myung
Cell structure is based on proteins. Since the antibody is proteous substance, the continous low protein feeding decreases the resistance of host against pathogenic agents. The present study was designed to investigate the infectivity of protozoa to rats which were fed with variously prescribed diets. Experimental group was divided into 4 groups according to the level of casein in the diet, group I: casein 0%, group II: casein 5%, group III: casein 15%, group IV: casein 30%. Each animal was fed for 5 weeks followed by inoculation of protozoa in cecum and sacrified each 1 week later of the infection. Each diet group, non infected with protozoa was recognized as the control. Result are summerized as follows : 1. All the rats of group I died in 2∼4 weeks and 2 of 12 rats in group II were also died in the period. 2. The growth rate and FER were high in group III and IV compared with group II. Therefore low protein feeding decrease growth and feed efficaly ratio(FER). 3. The pH of caecal contents between the infected group and control showed no difference, but the values of group III and IV were higher than the group II. Low pH of the caecal contents provides a suitable condition for determining their susceptibility to Entameoeba histolytical trophozoite. 4. Amounts of serum total protein in group II, III and IV showed no significant difference with the control and infected group, but amounts in group III and IV were higher than the group II. Therefore, continuous low protein feeding decrease serum total protein. 5. Albumin, 1, gloulin, 2 globulin, globulin, gloulin of group III and IV were all high to compare than the group II. Albumins of group III and IV of control was higher than infected group, but there was no difference in globulin between the infected and control group.
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The Effect of Dietary Protein and Calcium Levels on the Cadmium Detoxication on Rats  1992 March;30(1)
Effect of Dietary Protein Restriction and Repletion on the Growth in the Rats  1982 March;20(1)
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