Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(3):63-77.
논문편 : 석고법에 의한 남성 상반신 체표면변화에 관한 피복인간공학적 연구
김미경, 김혜경
연세대학교 생활과학대학 의생활학과
A Study on the Upper Part of the Body Form Variation According to Arm Movements for Male by Plater Gypsum Experiments
Mi Kyung Kim, Hae Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study is to improve clothing construction by analyzing form variation of upper trunk & upper arms with the use of plaster cast. Experimental research was performed by plaster gypsum method. The subjects were males between age 21 and 25, classified Standard somatotype by their bust size and Rorher Index. Arm movements were consisted of 5 types(0, 45, 90, 135, 180) to each vertical motion in front. The statistical analyses used in this study were mean, standard deviation, repeated mesure design. The result obtained from this study were as follows; 1. As a result of investigating into the rate of the expantion and contraction of basic body-surfact-lines, the side seam length showed the maxium rate of expantion in 180 degrees, the shoulder length showed the maxium contraction in the same degrees. 2. The variation of the upper part of the body form by increasing the upper limb motions, shoulder point was moved to be the inside or upside. And the anterior armfit point, posterior armfit point and armfit point were moved to upside. The form of the armhole-line in Drafts of a body surface was differently changed by increasing the movements. 3. Increasing the upper limb motions, the height of sleeve cap decresed and width of the sleeve decreased but girths of the sleeve cap was not show consistant change.