Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1992;30(3):1-13.
논문편 : 한국 미혼 여성의 하반신체형 분석과 체형변인이 플레어스커트 입체성능애 미치는 영향 (1)
조정미, 김혜경
연세대학교 의생활학과
Analysis of Lower body on Korean Young Women and the Effect of the Lower body Type on the Shape of Flare Skirt (I)
Jung Mee Cho, Hae Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study was (1) to classify the lower body of young women, (2) to investigate the three-dimensional characteristics of each lower body type. The subjects for direct anthrophometric measurements were 330 female college students aged from 18 to 25. Thirty variables(16 directly obtained from the anthropometric data and 14 indices) were used for lower body classification. The data were statintically analyzed by the principal factor analysis and the cluster analysis. Factors extracted were used as variables for the cluster analysis. To detect three-dimensional characteristics of each lower body type, horizontally sectioned overlap maps were obtained by the moire photography. The results obtained from this study were as follows: The lower body of Korean young women into five groups according to their lower body shapes. 1) Group 1(18.9% of the total) is characterized by a shorter and thinner lower body, no dropped hip with a close size between hip and waist. 2) Group 2(21.3% of the total) is characterized by longer lower body and average dropped hip with the most differences between hip and waist size. 3) Group 3(18.6% of the total) is characterized by their average hip and waist sizes but with the most dropped hip. 4) Group 4(22.9% of the total) is characterized by their comparatively fat lower body, almost average dropped hip and more differences between hip and waist size. 5) Group 5(19.2% of total) is characterized by the fattest and relatively longer lower body, least dropped hip with less differences between hip and waist sizes.