Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(4):65-80.
논문편 : 청소년의 주생활양식에 따른 책상가구의 수요특성에 관한 연구
연세대학교 주생활학과
Demanding Characteristics of a Desk in the Teenager's Housing Lifestyles
The present study was designed to find out demanding characteristics about a desk in the teenager's housing lifestyles. Documentry research and questionnaire survey methods were used in this study. Questionnaire were administered to 233 teenagers in seoul. Data were analyzed with the use SPSS PC+ package. The statistics were frequency, percentage, factor analysis, chi-squre, and cluster analysis. The major findings were followings: the teenager's housing lifestyles were categorized into the five patterns: the creative and impulsive type, the personal and private type, the economic and traditional type, the Western lifestyle-type, functional and achievement-orienented type. Teenagers in the low class of the functional and achievemental type demanded for the desk of the strong structure and materials, under 200,000 wons, and D furniture. Teenagers in the middle-high class of the personal and private type demanded for the desk of colorful and good design, 200,000-400,000 wons, and DS furniture. Teenagers in the high-low class of the Western lifestyle-type demanded for the desk of the famous trademark, 400,000-600,000 wons and S furniture. Teenagers in the middle-low class of the economic and tradition-oriented type demanded for the desk of the convinient and functional design, under 200,000 wons, and L furniture.