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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(3):23-34.
논문편 : 아동화의 적합성에 관한 연구 - 신발크기와 보행과의 관계를 중심으로 -
동아대학교 자연과학대학 의류학과
A Study on the Fitness of Children's Shoes -Centered on the Correlation of Shoes Size and Walking-
With 10 subjects of 6-year-old children residing in Pusan, I analyzed the relation of walking types(step angle, step width, step and stride) and wear comfort according to the style and size fo shoes in order to reveal the fitness of children's shoes centered on the relationship of shoes size and walking. Three styles of children's shoes(laced and unlaced formal shoes, magic-taped sports shoes) ranging in five different size were used. The following are conclusions. 1. As to step angle, there was no conceivable change in the left side, while the right side had a significance in accordance with the shoes size at p<0.001. As the size grew, right step angle of all shoes increased, with unlaced shoes having more influence than others. Step angle were the smallest when all the sampled shoes made the difference of 5mm between foot size and shoes size. 2. As to step width, there was no conceivable change in the style of shoes, while shoes size had a significance at p<0.001. As the size grew, step width also increased. Step width were the smallest when all the sampled shoes made the difference of 5mm between foot size and shoes size. 3. Step and stride, however, took no significance at all, since they were not influenced by the size or style of the shoes. 4. Wear comfort had a significance at the level of p<0.001. Since it was influenced by the size or style of the shoes. The best wear comfort was felt when all the sampled shoes had laces and magic tapes as well as the size with the difference of 5-10mm between foot size and shoes size.
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