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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(3):11-21.
논문편 : 시판 임산부용 거들의 착용감 및 착용효과에 관한 연구
이화여자대학교 의류직물학과
A Study on the Wear comfort and the Wearing Effects of Maternity Girdles
The study has been intended to find out meaningful information about the development of a prototype of enhanced maternity girdle. The girdles of three different models which were available in the market have been carried out by three six-month pregnant women and three nine-month pregnant women. The results of the study are as follows. 1. All three girdles showed improved wear effects in order of model A, model B, model C. Body surface area measurement and two body surface angles of abdomen are significantly dicreased by wearing and type of girdles. It is presumed that the reasons of good wear effect of model A is low expansion rate of the material and tight fitness of the model. Model B is made of material whose expansion rate is higher than model A. Also abdominal part of the model B is bias cut which is considered to result better stretch and consequently lower wear effect. 2. For wear comfort, subjects preferred in order of model B, model C, and model A. All subjects feel more comfortable after wearing girdles 30 minutes than after wearing girdles 1 day. Comparing 2 subject groups, 6-month pregnant group feel more comfortable about wearing girdles than 9-month pregnant group. 3. The girdles are expanded as a whole in order of model B, model C and model A. Considering the expansion rate of some specific area of the girdles, abdominal area expands more than hip area which expands more than thigh area. The expansion rates of girdles worn to 6-month pregnant group are very low at all area, while the expansion rates of girdles worn to 9-month pregnant group are very high.
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