Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(2):249-265.
논문편 : 비행청소년이 지각하는 사회조직망내의 관계와 성별에 따른 사회적 지원에 관한 연구
강원대학교 사범대학 가정교육과
The Relationship Between Juvenile Deliquents Perception of Social Network and Social Support
This study is to help Juvenile Deliquent's successflul adaptation to the society and prevent further juvenile deliquency. Social support and the teenagers 'perception of this support is directly and indirectly influencial to the teenagers' behavior. This study is majorly on influence of ecological factors and social members, including his parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents friends, teachers and neighbors. Social support is measured on 11 factors: companionship, conflict, instrumental aid, satisfaction intimacy, affectiveness, punishment, admiration, relative power, reliable alliance, counselling for sex. This study was conveyed on 258 juvenile deliquents in CHOONCHUN Boy's Home and 153 giral in ANYANG Girl's Home. They were in age group of between 11 and 18. The questions were, 1) Do the perception of the juvenile deliquents of the social support differ according to the relations in the social network? 2) Do the perception of the juvenile deliquents of the social support differ according to their sex? The results are 1) In companionship, conflict, instrumental aid, intimacy aid, relative power, they percept friends to be most reliable and then brothers/sisters, mother father. 2) In satisfaction, brothers and sisters were thought most reliable and next came friend, mother, father. 3) In affection, father, mother, brother/sisters, friend. 4) Punishment was most often rendered by teachers and fathers. 5) Reliable alliance was found most in the mothers, the study showed and then father, brother/sister.