Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1963;4(1):589-594.
상용채소의 부위에 따른 환원형 Ascorbic acid 량과 조리방법에 따른 C 량의 변화
강신주 , 서영숙
Quantity of Ascorbic Acid in the Parts of Vegetable and Its variation by Cooking Method
Shin Jhoo Kang , Young Sook Seo
Ascorbic acid has a strong power to reduce other materials, so by using this reducing power we can analise many materials quantitatively. Dihydro-ascorbic acid is quantitatively changed into ascorbic acid under a certain condition, if reduced by hydrogen-sulfide. Dihydro-ascorbic acid also has physiolosical effect, but less effect than ascorbic acid. The effect of dihydro-ascorbic acid is regarded as a half of that of ascorbic acid. Among the analytical methods applying this theory the method using 2.6 dichlorophenol indophenol what called the method of Indophenol is used most widely; so does Hydrazine-method. But comparing these two methods the former shows a little higher rate in analytical value. Vegetable are vital sources for vitamin C. According to the report of the commitee of FAO Korean branch the amount of daily per head average intake of vitamin C is about 70mg in raw materials. Since vitamin C is easily affected by heating or oxidation in Cooking the loss is not a little. Consequntly it is regarded that the actual amount of intake will be much less than basic amount. It is therefore very important to find out that how much percent of the loss there will be in case of cooking, in order to dicide the actual amount of in take as proper nutrition for a person. Therefore this paper intended to give some help in setting a standard amount of V.C intake, by measuring the change of the V.C amount using the general cooking method and by measuring amount of V.C contained in the part of vegetable, used in Korea abundantly.