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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(2):35-46.
논문편 : 직물접착심지에 관한 연구 (1)
영남대학교 가정대학 의류학과
A Study on Fabric Adhesive Interlining (1)
After adhering theone-sided non-woven adhesive interlining to the polyester/cotton fabrics and making experiments under the various conditions by L27 Orthogonal Array Table, we examined and analyzed the breaking away strength. The rusults are summarized as follows : 1. The best length of the adhering time is 15 secs. 2. As the adehesive interlining for blouse and jacket, B3 is best 3. The pressure for the adhesion is best under the pressure of 6.2Kg. 4. The temperature for the adhesion is best at 140oC. 5. As for the direction of the adhesion, three directions appear much the same breaking away strength. 6. For the better adhesion power, if the less adhering power, if the less adhering pressure is applied, the adhering time must be extended(15-20 secs), and if much stronger adhering pressure is applied, the time must be shortened(10-15 secs). In general, it is the best way for the adhesion to apply under the pressure of 6.2Kg, for 15 secs long, and at 140oC of the adhering temperature.
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