Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(1):111-124.
논문편 : 주거학 교과과정의 모형개발에 관한 연구
연세대학교 생활과학대학 주생활학과
A Study on Model Curriculum Development in Housing
The purpose of this research is twofold : 1) to establish an area of housing study through the analysis of the curriculum of housing within home economics units, and 2) to develop a model of the curriculum based on the area of housing defined. The data used for this research are the curricula of departments which offer housing courses within home economics units in Korea, Japan, and U.S.A: Based on the results of analysis, a field of housing studies is divided into four different areas : a housing-planning, socio-cultural aspects of housing, interior design, and general housing, research, and internships. A model curriculum is proposed based on the four different area of housing studies. The housing programs in Japan and U.S.A. are designed to prepare students for professional careers. In Korea, there is a strong demand for planning, designing, and managing housing and interior design to satisfy social needs. Therefore, our curriculum should be revised to expand graduates' job opportunities.